Mission & Vision

What we do

We provide a wide variety of professional courses, and outstanding programs, presentations, and meetings in different dental branches to assist dentists in updating their knowledge and skills with the latest developments.

We have large experience in cooperation with International Association and universities; we clearly understand requirements of International Strategic partnership to enhance our reputational profile and that of our affiliate, both locally and globally.

We are looking to improve the lives of patients by providing candidates with predictable, evidence-based dental programs that enable them to deliver the highest level of patient care.

Our Mission

To be an everlasting beacon of knowledge and a central crossroads where dentists globally and locally convene to upgrade their skills and competence.

Our Vision

Encourage the improvement of the dental health of the public by promoting the art and science of dentistry.

Objectives of Dental Alliance


To develop dentists’ skills and abilities to deliver quality comprehensive care in the different clinical disciplines of general dentistry, and make clinical judgments using evidence-based diagnoses and treatment planning


To empower dentists to deliver dental services to their patients, with success and predictability at all levels.


Establish and maintain a professional network among international dental education institutional leaders


Deliver the latest advances in dentistry through cutting edge continuing dental education.


To provide a safe, collaborative learning environment focused on providing ongoing personal and professional support that have a real and practical impact on practice.
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